[Download] Nervous System Regulation- Polyvagal Theory handouts

Hello Friends,

Thank you to everyone who messaged us after the Checking In email. I appreciate the time you took to respond and the feedback you provided. I am reminded once again that the Montessori community is beautiful and strong.

We had a few requests about an easy way to share the email and where to find a downloadable version of the Polyvagal Theory graphics.

You are welcome to forward the email to anyone who you feel would benefit from it. Here is a public viewing link if you would prefer to share this: https://ckarchive.com/b/mvu7h5hqg2mo9sv5oo45wirzv02qqa3

Free Download

Here is a 2-page PDF handout of the Polyvagal Theory summary and self regulation strategies. You are welcome to share the PDF with your communities.

Polyvagal Theory 2 page handout.pdf

This handout comes from a workbook I sourced for a side project that's been brewing. The project isn't due for public release until December 2025 but considering how world events are progressing, I may have to speed up that timeline.

If you are interested in getting the full workbook, created by a psychologist and licensed for distribution by Trillium, you can learn more here.

I've also added this workbook to the Leadership Library. If you are a member, you can log in and find it in the Leadership section.

Be well... and stay regulated! You need to be able to make strategic decisions!


Welcome to Trillium Montessori!

My name is Seemi and I create and curate resources for Montessori teachers to help them optimize their educational practices. Trillium offers professional development courses and downloadable curriculum materials along with weekly inspiration in our newsletter and podcast.

Read more from Welcome to Trillium Montessori!

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